Heres a Convo with a spammer who got ahold of me in #help, the following is True and Unedited for any reason:
[1:07am] <fbn> hey man. u there?
[1:07am] <The_Hatta> only sumwhat
[1:07am] <fbn> k
[1:07am] <fbn> are you admin
[1:07am] <The_Hatta> if i say no will you leave me alone

[1:08am] <fbn> lol. sure. i was just wondering if yu can do me a favor
[1:08am] <The_Hatta> like what
[1:08am] <fbn> can you give me admin status?
[1:08am] <The_Hatta> nope
[1:08am] <fbn> k.
[1:09am] <The_Hatta> why you want it
[1:09am] <fbn> who knows
[1:09am] <fbn> to have power
[1:09am] <fbn> i guess
[1:09am] <The_Hatta> then why would i give it to you
[1:09am] <fbn> dont know
[1:10am] <fbn> how did u get admin here
[1:10am] <The_Hatta> been here for 5 years
[1:11am] <fbn> k. i'm gonna use a proxy here. unless you guys kline proxies
[1:11am] <fbn> i use proxies all the time
[1:11am] <The_Hatta> shoulden't
[1:11am] <The_Hatta> unless you do somthin stupid
[1:11am] <fbn> k
[1:12am] <fbn> am i allowed to spam?
[1:12am] <The_Hatta> umm no
[1:12am] <fbn> so if i paste you a url even if its youtube its now allowsed?
[1:12am] <The_Hatta> youtube aint spam
[1:13am] <The_Hatta> unless it;s in mass message
[1:13am] <The_Hatta> then the server will kill you
[1:13am] <fbn> ok. well. i want to tell a few users about a certain chat i go to
[1:13am] <fbn> i'm hoping you can give me special permission
[1:13am] <fbn> if i'm trusted
[1:13am] <The_Hatta> now why would you want to take away from us
[1:13am] <fbn> because i need to spam
[1:14am] <fbn> can i give you the link?
[1:14am] <The_Hatta> no thanks
[1:14am] <fbn> am i in trouble or something?
[1:14am] <The_Hatta> no
[1:14am] <fbn> all i want to do is tell
[1:14am] <fbn> a few people
[1:15am] <fbn> hey. do you wanna take down this chat server?
[1:15am] <The_Hatta> umm no
[1:15am] <fbn> ok
[1:15am] <The_Hatta> my botnets busy right now
[1:15am] <fbn> you can use admin
[1:15am] <fbn> to take it down
[1:16am] <fbn> you kno that right
[1:16am] <The_Hatta> i can kill a server
[1:16am] <The_Hatta> but why would i do such a thing and hurt our name and servers
[1:16am] <fbn> boredom?
[1:16am] <The_Hatta> i got people to talk to on here
[1:17am] <The_Hatta> so
[1:17am] <The_Hatta> not bored
[1:17am] <fbn> do you know i've never been klined before?
[1:17am] <fbn> lol
[1:17am] <fbn> i'm unklinable
[1:17am] <The_Hatta> well how bout a g:line
[1:17am] <The_Hatta> here i'll try
[1:17am] <fbn> you're klining me?
[1:17am] <The_Hatta> tell me when you get back
[1:17am] <The_Hatta> ready
[1:17am] ERROR > 401: No such nick/channel: fbn