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 Post Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:37 am 
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Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:36 pm
Posts: 664

In March 2010, the University of Washington informed the ResearchChannel Board that because of unprecedented budget challenges and reductions, UW would no longer be able to subsidize the operation of ResearchChannel as it had done since its founding. UW also informed the ResearchChannel board that as of August 31, 2010, UW will cease programming and uplinking the channel and maintaining the website.

Throughout the previous decade, University of Washington provided all staff time and efforts as well as the satellite uplink and commodity internet bandwidth, allowing ResearchChannel to be managed, programmed and distributed on-air and on-line throughout North American and the world. These services were provided without direct compensation from the ResearchChannel consortium.

During the past 6 months, the University of Washington has continued to operate the channel and website with no direct compensation and has also done everything possible to assist the ResearchChannel board and CEO in making a transition to a new service provider. Unfortunately, it does not appear that ResearchChannel has found a solution for maintaining the on-air or on-line distribution. Consequently, ResearchChannel programming will no longer be available on Galaxy 18 as of midnight on August 31 shutting down broadcast on DishNetwork, Comcast and all other terrestrial broadcast services.

The ResearchChannel name and all service marks are owned by the University of Washington (78794853)

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